Auch der Ami-Patch 1.02 lässt auf sich warten..

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    • Auch der Ami-Patch 1.02 lässt auf sich warten..

      ... damit wirds wohl mit dem deutschen Patch 1.02 nichts vor Anfang Mai.

      Aus dem US-Forum:…02&f=38610606&m=825101223

      posted Wed March 31 2004 04:14 PM
      Despite what anyone says in other threads, the V1.02 Patch is not ready to be released.. Hopefully soon, but not as soon as this Friday.

      We get a new Beta version every Friday. Last Friday's version had some problems. Currently, there about a dozen or so things that we need to have addressed. We need to verify that these problems have been fixed and ensure there are no additional problems introduced as a result of the changes to the code to fix the identified problems. That means we need a new version on Friday that we will then test over the upcoming weekend and into early next week.

      The process also includes testing the final installation routine for the Patch. Then Ubi Soft will most likely want to add their copy protection scheme to the release candidate, which will require some more testing, and then they will have to conduct final master test verification to the release candidate to ensure that the installation and copy protection function properly. Once all that is finished successfully they will give their final approval to the patch for release.

      With everything approved for release they will then have to go through the process of uploading the patch to their FTP site, create the links and announcements, and also distribute the patch to various mirror sites.

      This is not going to happen by tomorrow, or by this Friday. I am not going to speculate on just when it will be finished because there are too many variables in addtition to approvals and verifications that I have no control over (the Ubi stuff).

      In the past I would have provided you with my educated guess on just when it will be finished. That was the past. After being burned by people coming back with accussations of "broken promises" and being "misleading" I will NEVER put myself in that postition again. Walking into a minefield is a mistake. Walking into it a second time is stupidity. I am not going to be stupid.

      When people post asking when the patch will be released please point them to this thread.

      Thank you for your continued patience. We appreciate your understanding and your support.

      Best Wishes,

      Mahlzeit !


    • Aber die Ammi´s werden wenigstens einigermaßen mit Informationen versorgt. Die auch noch aus erster Hand. Da is ja wieder zu merken, das die Deutsche Community einfach zu klein ist, oder zu wenig geld eingebracht hat... Egal irgendwann kommt auch für uns der Patch... irgendwann *g*

      mfg Cell
    • Bin ja mal echt gespannt, ob sich hier die gleiche Patch-Mentalität wie bei IL2 durchsetzt. Neuer Patch , gar kein Patch, neues Spiel, neue Flugzeuge, neue Landschaft, neues Glück, neues.....äähhm was wars?..........ach ja neuer Patch, der den Patch von Version X.xx patchen soll, den die alte Version X.xx verpatcht hat!
      Feels like thers's nothing left inside...